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Examples of Leadership positions I can take on in college?

I plan on going to med-school. What are some leadership positions I can take on in college that involve medicine? I read that having leadership positions are important for medical schools.

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You can always start your own organization and automatically assume a leadership post. Otherwise, be ready to compete for posts in student government, biology club, premed club, etc.

Some are born leaders and are destined to be leaders

Some are trained to be leaders

School is one place where you develop leadership skills.

The teachers and the institution play a great role in the building/formation of future leaders

In the med-school you can aim at being a class representative

Then you may aim at being President or other office holder of college Union.

You should be an active member of the colleg debating society to develop your confidence and articulation skills.

Finally, try to get involved in all extra-curricular medicine- related activities.

These will provide you with a chance to get acquainted with what is expected of a leader and specially a medical doctor, in his chosen field.


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