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Ex attends college of choice?

I realize how this question sounds (stupid) and I also realize that the entire purpose of college is education. But the college that I am most interested in has one flaw, my ex attends it. My main concern is that he tells people that I am obsessed with him and stalk him which couldn’t be further from the truth, we ended on very bad terms. He spread so many rumors about me that once when I saw him, I threw up b/c I was so stressed over how he was making me look to other people. Sounds high school? That’s b/c it is, we broke up when I was in 10th grade, yet he still holds a grudge against me. (I’m a college freshman) I even tried talking to him and he still acts the same way. My friends tell me that it is b/c i am much better looking than him and he wants to show off 2 his friends. I realize that colleges are huge and I probably wont run into him, but if I do, what should I do? I would really appreciate if a guy responded b/c maybe they know why he says all these things?

Thanks =)

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I am afraid the best type of revenge in these types of things is success. Don’t let it bug you. College is a big place with lots of people, and chances are, you won’t be spending much time with each other anyway.

Go to a different school, and you are just giving in to his pressure.

If you bump into him, this is what you do (and I am serious, this works): Smile at him. be genuinely interested in his life, for about one minute, and then walk away. Don’t talk to him again, but make sure he sees that you are having fun and thriving without him in your life.

When guys make powerplays like the one he is doing over you, its because he wants to make it seem that you can’t survive in the world without him.

The best way to show that he has no power over you is to do the one thing he dreads: You doing your own thing, on your own time, without him.

Soon, he might just give up and go bother someone else.


If that doesn’t work, there is always that elusive restraining order. LOL

Also, don’t tell him that you are planning to go to his school, the surprise of having you there if he sees you is an added bonus.


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