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Effective managers need technical, human, and conceptual skills. Do all managers need these in the same mix?

Effective managers need technical, human, and conceptual skills. Do all managers need these in the same mix? In other words, would some managers need more of one than of another? Why? Describe the managerial skills you think you need to develop to be an effective manager, and suggest how this might be done.

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Give it a little thought and this one’s pretty easy. Not all managers need the same mix of skills because not all jobs are the same. Some jobs might involve very little interaction with workers or customers, but need the manager to handle all sorts of specific technical problems like keeping the machines running. Others might not require dealing with people or keeping the machines running as much, but might call for more conceptual skills like doing long range planning. Others might require the manager to know little about the technical or the planning details but might require getting the workers to do their job and get along with each other and customers and thus the manager needs human skills.

Are you personally good at tech skills, human skills, and conceptual skills? Even if you are you could get better by reading and by interacting and by setting goals for yourself such as getting better at listening, getting better at thinking abstractly, getting better at scheduling, etc. Think about where you need work with each of the three skills mentioned and think about what specifically you could do to practice and learn to be better.


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