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Dont you hate when you can spell a certain word?

So you alter what your writing to avoid looking it up.

ex I went to the doctors because I had a disease

to: I went to the doctors because I was sick

Top 8 Answers
Lisa Billings

Favorite Answer

That’s what spell-check is for.

Yes, it used to be so in my case, years ago. I then found that I was simply being lazy, and also lost out an opportunity to learn the correct spelling forever!

Then, I started keeping a pocket dictionary by my side and a piece of paper on which I note down the suspect word. Before completing the work on hand, I make it a point to check the spelling of the words on the paper, and correct the spelling where needed. This has helped to reduce my spelling errors.

Today, we have several aids such as on line dictionary, spell check and other useful sites. One shouldn’t have any excuse for not using them!

It is all a matter of self-discipline.


Sicilian Godmother
Well here at YA that’s no problem since the spell check is available. But yes, if I’m writing a “Real” letter and don’t know the spelling of a certain word, I’m usually — I am ashamed to say — too lazy to look it up in the “Real” dictionary so I’ll end up using a word I can spell as a substitute

Yes, this is the curse of English language. You have to learn spelling. Consider this: In the world there are languages that don’t have this “problem”: Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Macedonian, Slovenian, Croatian.

Kids at 6, 5 even at 4 year of age learn their alphabet and a simple rule: Write how you speak – read how it is written, and they have no problem with the spelling to the end of their life.


janis c
I do it alot. Spelling and grammer are not my strong points. Maybe that’s why people say I’m such a good listener.

Pippa McClellan
Oh, you mean can’t spell a word.

Yeah, except when I have to write essays and use words like “hiatus” and I have to look it up. 🙁


I agree. I have to admit I do it as well. I guess we have just become lazy.

heather h
nope…i actually like it when i CAN spell a word…your error, my 2 pts. :))

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