Does turning off your AC at night actually save money? Read on…?
I live in Las Vegas where it average 110 in the Summer durring the day. At night it still in the 90s. But my roommates have been turning the AC off at night. I feel like it’s going to take more power and work for our AC during the day. Would it be more costly to keep it at a consistent temperature or to turn it off at night?
PS. I feel like its always hot in our home at the rate we are going. Even though we use the AC full bast from 6-9PM (then turn it off before we go to bed…)
What do you think would be best?
Top 2 Answers
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i live in vegas also and my roomate does the same thing but shes turn off at the hottest part of the day….. listen you find a temp that feels good and leave a lone till the temp outside reaches below the temp you have it set to…you might save a few dollars a month but for sure turnning it off and on is not that good …. lets wait and see what others have to say…. guess you could try it both ways and do your on test and see how much it does save
it DOES save energy, just turn it back on and be cooling off the house BEFORE its really hot in the morning. i lived in vegas for 15 yrs tho and to me 90 is still too hot to have it off. i left mine on alot!