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dawn p

Does it bother you that many people can’t even spell the simplist words?

I love Yahoo answers, but I can’t believe how many people misspell easy words like “my” and “you”. Why do you think this is?

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Some of us are from countries other than the United States.

We may all speak English but we don’t necessarily spell words the same way.

For example: neighbour, grey, favourite and numerous other words.

Other people have English as a second language and are doing their best.

Yet there are others, who don’t spell well, are trying to become better informed by asking questions here.

Just lighten up, don’t be so elitist and realise you’re talking to the entire world.


I think that people are all different and that some of us are better with language than others. For example, my partner is not great with language at all, he is a spatial thinker, and a problem solver. He may not be able to explain what he’s doing, but he knows how to make it work…

And yes, it can be annoying sometimes, but i think that a lot of the misspellings on here have to do with laziness!


Nice…a post on spelling and you misspelled “simplist”. Didn’t you notice the red line underneath it? I’m just playing around but it’s simplest. =)

Bright Bulb
YES ! Especially on Yahoo! Answers .

Oh ! By the way, the correct spelling is ” simplest ” … not , ‘ simplist ‘ !


No response. Just want to let Jeff Lebowski know how much I enjoyed his answer. Laughing my ( Y ) off.

The tech age. Everyone does it. EVen to talk at school, all I hear and see is LOL, OMG, BRB, :), R U OK, all that crap. SOmetimes, I can’t even understand some stuff I am sent.

Well–yes it does.However,I am getting over it.With help from my doctor and with proper medications;I have overcome!

Not only that,but I shall climb the highest peak–if it isn’t too far of the ground:)

I get dizzy and all flushed.


some use words used in chat

some use abbreviations and

some like you misspell in a simplest way


Maybe it’s because many people use abbreviations too much on the Internet

They just might have other talents.

Maybe it just a typo

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