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Paresh P

Does “call” here mean “to make a phone call” or does it literally mean “should be asked to come over”?

In case of Emergency please contact your study doctor at the phone number shown on this card. Your study doctor should also be called prior to any medical, dental, or surgical procedures.

Call has many meanings. Does it mean that a phone call should be made to the doctor or he may be asked to come over? Please explain.

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Since the card says “contact your study doctor at the phone number,” it is referring to a phone call. (Although, if you see him in person, it would be foolish to excuse yourself in order to reach him by phone.)

A phone call is the term used when you want to talk to someone on the phone rather than in person. It does not mean they will come to you unless you ask the person you called/rang to do so.

You contact the study doctor by phone when there is an emergency (that requires a doctor). You also need to notify/contact the study doctor before you have any procedures.


A phone call should be made.

The instructions clearly don’t mean someone calling out “Yoohoo!”


In this context, “called” means “phoned”.

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