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Does a US college degree count for anything in Canada?

I am currently attending college in the US. My girlfriend lives in Canada. If I were to graduate from college here and then move to canada, would they accept my college degree there?

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You mean something like a bachelors degree (B.A. or B.Sc.)? Of course, why wouldn’t we? Those are pretty universal. Also, most of our universities take on the same format as the US’s, which is a pretty standard one.

Just another nickname
Of course. And some even consider a US degree more challenging because the grading scale in the US is more difficult than in Canada. For example, at most Canadian colleges an A is 85% whereas in most US colleges, an 85% is considered a B.

Natalya is my Naughty Obsession
Yes of course so many people from Canada go to the US for school and then come back up here.

Where are you getting that information?

I know several people who moved to Canada and got prestigious jobs with their US degrees.


Ummm, YES! It’s accediated ! Of course they would !

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