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Does a university education contribute to intelligence……?

and can a person with only a high school education be equally as intelligent? Have they reached their full potential if they did not attend college?

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Intelligence and education are not the same thing. A person can be very highly intelligent without having any education at all – this is a measure of one’s mental capacity for thinking and understanding, among other values. Education can increase the amount of knowledge that a person has, but it does not make someone more intelligent. It can increase one’s ability to reason and think in different ways, because it forces the person to practice these things over and over again. It does the same for reading. But while a person with no education may not have a great base in knowledge, they may still be very intelligent.

One thing that education does help with is ignorance. A person may hold (very strongly in some cases) beliefs which are based on false ideas, because they never learned the facts. An education can decrease a great deal of ignorance and cause people to make more informed decisions. This is not the same as intelligence, however.


I tend to agree more with Sappho. Intelligence and education are totally different things. I have personally known a NASA rocket scientist (no kidding) who was dumber than a box of rocks, but had like 20 years of “education” I also know that some of the greatest minds the world has known had little or no “formal” education.

I also agree that in this day and age a university education is paramount if you want to maximize EARNING potential. But that has nothing to do with intelligence per se.


Have they reached there full potential NO! You need further education to be able to use your intelligence.

4 years ago
deliver back the excellent equipment so as that anybody is on a point enjoying field. Scrap checks at 7, 11 and 14; they do no longer help the youngsters/infants or the academics. this is merely extra advantageous tension. make particular that ladies folk are inspired into attending college in the process the international – and make preparation loose. Make preparation freed from religious bias. close all inner maximum faculties. save inner maximum companies far off from the doorways of colleges and close all academies in England. that ought to be a initiate.

Great question, No it does not. I went to college with about 2000 people and atleast 15% of them were stupid/ignorant/morons. So many times people would open their mouth just because they want to hear themselves talk. Often not making any sense.

On the other hand when i was in High School i knew this one kid who decided not to go to college and start his own busniess. Now he’s incredibly sucessful, and knows plenty about the biz world.

So education is for those who need it


No univerisity is more a measure of intelligence, its just a way to prove that you are capable of achieving that level of thinking. Ie an employer would look at a BA hons and know that you are intelligent enough to get a BA hons.

truthfully, the answer is no. If one chooses to not further their education, they are definately not reaching their full potential. Also, the amount of opportunities you have are greatly diminished if you dont have a college degree.

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