Do you think spelling bees are cool or is it for geeks?
If it’s for geeks, how come there’s International competition?
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It is a shame that children are rude to other children about their intelligence. As your education develops going on to further education you will be able to reflect on the word ‘geek’ . the none geek will be ‘cool’ at school but will end up with an unemployment cheque but that fool of a geek a salary of $100,000, who will work for who? as for the international competition, what greater achievement can you have by representing your country.
I think it’s for people who can spell. These people can be cool or geeky. It really doesn’t matter, if you want to go compete in a spelling bee, go for it. Don’t worry about it. Just do what makes you happy. (Dont worry, be happy, la la la) Many popular kids or cool kids compete in spelling bees. So do many unpopular kids or geeky kids. Spelling bees are for smart people, and smart people can be stereotyped as geeks. This might make someone consious about joining a spelling bee, but trust me, that’s just stupid. Do what you want!
It’s an obsessional sort of thing for the spelling champions. They devote hours, months, and years to studying how to spell obscure words they do not use for any communicative purpose. As far as useful learning or academic achievement goes, this is sort of a waste of time. But if you compare it to any other obsessional hobby, well, it’s pretty clean and keeps kids from getting into less healthy activities. I think it has some benefits, just as collecting stamps or becoming a skateboard whiz do. So if you enjoy it, go for it!
geeks are cool.
its not cool but funny to watch how serious these kids and parents take it.
who cares what others think if u like it go for it
I think it is good.