Do you think schools should teach religon?
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General Religion Education (GRE) is the academic study of religion, its impact on the world, history and culture. From this students gain an understanding of the cultural backgrounds of others, an understanding of other belief systems and a better understanding of the world.
Special Religion Education (SRE) is faith-based teaching, taught by church volunteers who come into the school for an hour a week. Your parents must consent for you to do this and nominate a religion. Those who aren’t catered for have “private study” at this time.
My personal opinion is that GRE is good, and I’m happy to teach it. I have many problems with SRE in schools, but unfortunately it is mandatory here.
but public school should not teach religon because most of the children probally dont believe in that religon anyways and parents would have a hard time with it.
I wish that comparative religions had been taught in school for that reason. Unfortunately, many religions are insecure. Their believers fear that exposure to other religions will result in lambs straying from the herd. Unfortunately, some educators would fail to conceal their preference, so the course may skew towards one religion. If these two misfortunes could be prevented, I think everyone would benefit from mutual understanding and historical enrichment.
I found quickly that by approaching the context of religion in an academic manner appeased parents who otherwise might have had an issue with what I was doing.
Why not utilize the greatest (text) book ever given to, and published for us.
It is a curriculum so well balanced you would be hard pressed to duplicate it in separate subjects.