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Do you think high school graduation or college graduation is a bigger deal?

Although after college, you get a job and your life begins, I think that high school graduation celebrates 12 years of school and the end of ones childhood. What do you think??

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For me college was a bigger achievement but it was because I didn’t feel like applying myself in H.S. but I did in college.

I graduated with honors when I tried in college.

It was the best feeling of accomplishment I ever had regarding education.


College is a very big deal, although just getting through your formative years and graduating High School is by far a bigger milestone simply because it your up against many more odds.

IE: your dealing with growing up, pressures at home, school, peers, possibly drugs, alchohol and the teen years are probably the toughest you’re going to see. That fact alone makes making it through high school much more of an accomplishment.

It’s not as easy for some as for others. It was very hard for me. I had ADD before it was called ADD. I dropped out 3 times before finally graduating. Yes, it was a very big accomplishment.

College on the other hand is a choice not a requirement. While there might be a lot of pressure to get through college as well it is on a completely different level.

In this crazy age we live in if you’ve made it to your High School graduation you should give yourself a big pat on the back.

Myself, I never went to college only because of my ADD. I couldn’t do it. But….I had enough drive to find a way around it. I now hold a very good job in the computer industry with a great salary. I made it without college.

If you have enough drive, you’ll succeed!


High school is the greater milestone. Many people do colllege in four years, but its so expensive that some have to take 1-2 years off to work. Some people do college at there own pace. I personally think that those in the work force make better students.

i just think any big hurdle is worth celebrating. i just got an associates and i thought about not going to the ceremony and picking up my degree etc because i already have a bachelors. but in actuality, every moment you celebrate any accomplishment makes you stronger. college may not be where some begin their adulthood it might take longer.

High school

i think any graduation is a reason for celebration. in either case, you have reached a milestone and accomplished a major task. kudos to anyone who does one or both. it signifies a rebirth (of sorts) into the adult world.

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