do you think a TI-83 is sufficient for pre-calc and beyond?
also, why would someone choose the TI-84 over the TI-83?
thank you
Favorite Answer
If you are thinking of buying a new calculator, buy the TI-84 (and go for the silver edition, if possible). But if you are just going to keep using your TI-83, that is fine as well.
A TI-83/TI-84 should get you all the way through courses like calculus and introductory statistics. However, if you go beyond that, you might have to start using more sophisticated calculators like the TI-89. TI-84 or TI-83 is probably the best one to buy at for you because I’m pretty sure that teachers will be teaching you how to use either of these two in class (and by the way, all the functions on the two calculators are the same, so if you can use one, you can use the other without learning how).
I think the TI-84 is only for those intending on majoring in Science or math in college. For high school TI 83 graphing is plenty of power.