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do you need your professors permission to withdraw out of class?

do you need your professors permission to withdraw out of class?

Top 4 Answers

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Generally a time limit is placed by the college on when a class may be dropped without penalty of some kind. After the time limit, you have to take a failing grade for that class, usually. But any class can be dropped at any time if you don’t mind the consequences. In summer term, it is probably waaaaay too late to drop. Just ‘tough it out’, ace. Good luck.

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Poor College Kid is right, it depends on the college policy. Last semester I withdrew from a class and didn’t tell the Professor. I didn’t get in trouble but you should check with an advisor or tell a friend when is the last date to withdraw.

nope, you’re paying for it. the school will have a policy stating the last date you can drop a class without penalty (either an I for incomplete or a failing grade), but you don’t need anyone’s permission to drop a class.

if you’re on a scholarship it changes. you can still drop, but it may change your status for your scholarship


Poor College Kid
depends on your schools policy and how far into the semester you are in. You should probably ask your adviser.

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