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Do you find summer school (or summer college courses) easier than those during the regular school year?

Do you find summer school (or summer college courses) easier than those during the regular school year?

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I did a Summer Course for college this May and I wouldn’t necessarily say it was easier but it was more fun and more laid back. There weren’t that many people in it because it was in May and everyone there wanted to be there so it was a good group of people.

yeah, i do find that true. usually, the teacher is more lenient since it is summer and they most likely don’t want to be there more than the students do. the downside is being stuck is a classroom for about 5 hours with the same teacher and students.

eric l
It is one class at a time that you can concentrate on and focus hard. You can polish it off in no time and you have the rest of the day to go to the beach.

Yes, it seems like the teachers are more lax and will give you marks to hurry up and finish the courses faster.


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