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do we need any work experience after pursuing engineering before joining some B-school?

do we need any work experience after pursuing engineering before joining some B-school?

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Most business schools want it, especially the good schools. B-schools are all about the experiences YOU bring to the classroom, so that other students and professors can use YOUR and other student’s experiences to teach and understand concepts.

If you have no work experience, you bring nothing to the table.


There are some professional MBA programs that do need it but most don’t. You just need to research the school you want to attend. I owuld recommend work experience as it may help your personal choices.

After graduating engineering school, I went into the work force and did just fine. I considered getting an MBA but decided against it because it wouldn’t be of much use in my field.

I have several close friends that recently got their MBA’s and none could answer my business questions. Apparently, my questions could only be answered by practical experience. In my case, it would have been a waste of money.

Good Luck!


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