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Do teachers ever have to hold off bodily functions(peeing, farting, ext.) beacause they are teaching?

Do teachers ever have to hold off bodily functions(peeing, farting, ext.) beacause they are teaching?

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All the time. There are days when I forget to pee. What’s that all about? The worst is when they’ve served hot dogs in the cafeteria. It’s tough trying to hold in burps when you’re in front of 25 nine year olds. 🙂

Yup all the time. Now I like fresh air so occassionally I’ll open the door to my room and walk out for a moment staying with a few feet and certainly earshot of my room. This is a perfect time to fart or blow your nose or see who called your phone when you had it on vibrate.

For bathroom stops I go between all classroom breaks.

As far as having to leave my room, it has happened two times in nine years.

First time, the assistant principal called me outside my room to sign a few papers. I sneezed and had a vicious bloody nose going everywhere. So luckily, he was there to watch my class so I could run to the bathroom and get it stopped.

The second time I had Indian food the night before and my stomach giave out while I was teaching. Luckily my next door teacher neighbor was on her off block and stiing just outside my room on a bench geeting some sun. So she watched the room while I went.

I have three rules for me that govern me within my room:

#1 never leave my room unattended

#2 never talk about other teachers or students in anything other than a good way

#3 never talk about my beliefs on religion, politics, or money

#1 becuase my school board or local area will pretty much not blame the teacher for a situation as long as they were there.

#2 Bad for morale and reputations.

#3 The Supreme Court has ruled on religion & politics. And my money is my own business.


Mister J
Yes of course. However, most teachers go when they have the time and don’t wait until they feel the urge. This is because if something negative happens while they’re out of the room there are liability issues. A teacher leaving their class unattended should be a rare occurence.

I take it you’ve never done any teaching.

What’s stopping the teacher from excusing him/herself and go to the loo or just step out for a while to pee or fart or whatever?


yep, one time i was sharpening my pencil in the corner , my teacher didnt notice, he walked all the way to the other side of the room and layed a big one!

That! and a friend of mine is a teacher she says she does it and blames it on the kids..



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