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Do entrepreneurs care for profits or not? why do you so? please explain minium of 100 words?

Do entrepreneurs care for profits or not? why do you so? please explain minium of 100 words?

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en·tre·pre·neur (ŏn’trə-prə-nûr’, -nŏŏr’) Pronunciation Key

n. A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.

Reading the above would answer this question as yes.

A business is in business to make money, therefore money is profit. Even non profit organizations pay their executives very high salaries as a way to benefit from the profit, but by being non profit organizations they reap great tax benefits form the Government.

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Of course entrepreneurs care about profits. Why else would they be in private enterprise? The whole idea is to make money, unless it’s a non-profit organization. But they also have to carefully consider the fact that everything they make doesn’t go into their own pocket. There’s probably more overhead in the first few years of a business, than there is profit; i.e., supplies, rental, maintenance, employees, stocks, utilities, taxes, insurance, etc. But the basic premise of entrepreneurship is to worship on the altar of the Almighty Buck!

Of course they care for profits, just not who gives it to them and what lengths they have to go through to get them.

There, a start. I doubt anyone’s stupid enough to actually do you essay for you and allow their work to be plagiarized. Try getting opinions on it and then go from there. I’ts homework HELP, not get your homework done by other people.


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