Did you have a really freaky teacher? and what did they do?
Another thing was he always talked about a girlfriend he had when he was 15, apparently she dumped him, yet 25 years down the line he still made constant references to her in his lessons like ‘what we had was true love’, we often wondered about his poor wife.
One thing that really sticks in my mind is when he got some pills out one lesson and said ‘fine go ahead and kill me’.
I thought the man was hilarious at the time, but looking back he probably had mental issues………anyone had a similar experience?
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I had a couple of wierdos in HS.
My 10th grade world history teacher would talk about people from history as if he knew them, giving reasons why he did and did not like them, tell stories about what they did together. I thought he was a Time Lord, like Dr. Who. It didn’t help that he drove a strange mini-van that looked like a space ship.
My 11th grade Physics teacher flirted with EVERYONE: male, female, student, teacher alike. He once commented, after I had enjoyed a couple of Blowpops in class, that I would make some man very happy with my oral fixation. Then told one male student the same thing.
And then there was my 9th grade Biology teacher. He looked like the Dr. on Back to the Future – and was even stranger. Not only was the classroom full of strange things but he would have conversations with himself in front of the class, give us projects to do and disappear. Really, a nutty professor.
And the band teachers at my HS were all strange. One got fired, my frosh year, for molesting a student. The next one was an alchoholic, came to school drunk every day and thought Tic-Tacs would cover up the scotch on his breath — except he couldn’t talk and keep the Tic-Tacs in his mouth so they would just spill out all over the place.
Took off her shoe and using her foot erased the whiteboard.
Put a poster over a movie and only removed it during the love scenes.
Would stand up on the tables at lunch and begin twirling.
Had entire conversations with her other personalities.
Went to the Principal’s office and ‘fired’ him.
Put antibacterial had cleaner in her coffee instead of creamer when she ran out.
Stopped that basketball semi-finals by dancing across the court like a cheerleader.
Got up in the middle of class. Walked to the Principal’s office and resigned. The board met that night and accepted it. She came back the next day insisting that she had not resigned and that I was in a conspiracy to discredit her.
Fought the men in white coats who came to take her away. And the police, and the firemen, and the EMTs…….
and he always gave us the hardeeeeeeeeest stuff to do. all this brain teasers that was clearly impossible and it would be our final grade. after everyone ended up failing he almost got fired.
but he was probably the most influential man i have ever met.
full of theories on how the world works that no one has ever come up with, and always knew what to say.
Then there was the speech teacher who did one-armed push-ups on the top of his desk while he lectured…he was a body-builder and wore tight T-shirts to show off his various muscle groups.
Then I had a 6th grade teacher who would pick her nose in front of the class… or actually stick her hand down the back of side of her pants to scratch her butt.. she would have chalk dust all over the back of her pants!
My daughter had a HS English teacher who wouldnt make eye contact with anyone.. found out later he was a crack head… ( I worked for the PD when we arrested him!)
7th grade – teacher who had a small doll in her desk drawer who she spoke with all the time. Punished boys who misbehaved by threatening to kiss them
9th grade – self-proclaimed witch
7th grade – teacher who wouldn’t allow anyone to use the word nothing because that was the name of her cat and none of us had met it formally.
12th grade – student teacher who also worked the local XXX theatre.
my sister’s classmate even said that she saw three teachers (one of them is the teacher who i was talking about)on a club or bar which has strippers… nel and his 1 co-teacher had girls seated on their lap while the other was just sitting around because he has his own family….they were drunk… it is fine if they are just ordinary people but they are teachers from a catholic school…. oh my gOd!!!!!!!!!!!! too bad for those who don’t know…..