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Please use your own words. I MAY USE THEM unless otherwise specified when you comment, i will honor what you say. Please help me out i am a freshman and need some serious help with my Animal Farm project. I would appreciate deffintions for the following… KGB, Secret Police, Gestapo, Totaltarism, Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Marxism, Stalin, Utopia, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Auschwitz, Buchhenwald, Pravada, Proletariat, and the Bolshevicks. Anyone who responds i really really appreciate it and i absolutley love you, and will do my best to respond to your questions. Oh and please use credible sources. An A on my report would be nice. Lol. Thanks so so much!!!!

Top 6 Answers

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Ok… Here’s a brief little bit to start with-

Secret Police- A Police force that operates in secret to protect the nation (particularly Govt. figures) from internal threats and terrorism.

The KGB was the secret police force in the USSR. The Gestapo was the secret police force in Nazi Germany.

Totalitarianism, Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism are different forms of Government.

The U.S. practices Capitalism. Businesses and property are privately owned.

Communism was practiced in the USSR. Property and businesses are Govt. owned.

Socialism is like a blend of Capitalism and Communism. There is usually private property, but things such as health care are provided by the Govt.

Marxism was a theory of government based on the theories of Karl Marx. They were used by the communist party.

Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Leon Trotsky are all important Communist figures.

In the book, Karl Marx and Lenin are largely embodied as Old Major, and Trotsky is embodied by Snowball.

Auschwitz and Buchenwald were Nazi prison camps.

A Proletariat was a term used to identify a lower social class, until Karl Marx used it to describe the working class.

The Bolsheviks were a political group in communist Russia and seized control during the October Revolution. They were followers of Karl Marx.


KGB: Its basicly the Russian Secrect Service and FBI

Secret Police. When a goverment grows large or is at war it usually creates a secret police which basically do what ever thay need to do to control the people.

Gestapo: Was the official secret police of Nazi Germay

Its Totalitarism not Totaltarism: The goverment controls every aspect of private and piblic life

Socialism: when many people’s idea’s are belived that it will improve the life of a person

Communism: most of what makes a goverments economy like farm land is pubically owned

Utopia: A society in which everything is perfect.

Auschwitz: one of germanys largest death camp during WWII made famous my the large creamatorion and huge gas chambers.

Sorry I couldn’t answer the people and the groups of people, they were to big to describe


Two Pieces of Advice

1. Be skeptical of the information provided here; someone may sabotage your efforts to cheat your way through this assignment (but ironically enough–you wouldn’t know that because you didn’t do the homework–oh my!). How delightfully amusing for your teacher read some either ridiculous or possibly very wrong answers and how embarrassing for you. Don’t be surprised if other posters, who under the guise of helping you, are actually helping to give you a shove down that slippery slope you’re already sliding down.

2. Your teachers are A LOT more tech-savvy than you give them credit for. A lot of us check for plagiarized homework assignments using the same search engines (and even more sophisticated ones purchased by the school to help spot academic dishonesty) and resources that you use.


How about you go to a library and find their dictionary or ask uncle Google to take you to Wickipedia farms.

Do your own homework, kid. It’s not like they’re hard words. If you’re not able to define words, I think you should just quit high school now as it’s only going to get tougher as the years go on.

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Auschwitz and Buchenwald were nazi concentration camps where the jewish people were killed and their bodies burned

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