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Could you please describe ten characteristics of a Machiavellian ruler?

I need this for a school assignment and I am having trouble finding the answer to one of the questions. Could you please help?

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1.War-wise: a prince must know how to handle the art of war not only for the gain of territory, but for selfdefense and lawful stability as well.

2. Noble: a prince must be noble and kind hearted in order to be both feared and loved.

3. Kind hearted: for the reason stated above.

4. Aware of his or her surroundings: a prince must have an eye for any developing problems or advantages.

5. Good fortune: Machiavelli makes it clear this is a key characteristic for a good prince.

6. Observant of the men he has around him: a good prince keeps a close watch on his servants, subjects, and friends and an even closer watch on his enemies.

7. Overall wisdom: a prince must be wise in general.

8. Avoidant of hatred or despise: a prince cannot lead a nation that hates him.

9. Keep faith in others at a minimum: Trust is good and well but can be broken over the smallest of greed.

10. Bravery and strength: necessary for any great man.


4 years ago
Machiavellian Traits

Check out “The Prince.” While it’s really short, it’s a difficult read, so just check out sparknotes. There are about 25 chapters, and many of the characteristics can just be taken from the titles of the chapters. Good luck. If you get stuck, just think up some cranky-leader characteristics, and you’ll probably be right on track.

6 years ago
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Could you please describe ten characteristics of a Machiavellian ruler?
I need this for a school assignment and I am having trouble finding the answer to one of the questions. Could you please help?


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