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Compare and Contrast Macbeth and Othello.?

Compare and Contrast Macbeth and Othello.?

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hmmmmmmmmmmm. Pondering.

Yes, there are some fairly distinct similarities within the characters and there are some definite dissimilarities – both have been manipulated by others for their own ends to the point of murder. I’ll leave the rest to you….

Ya shoulda read the plays :p


4 years ago
Macbeth And Othello

u can compare these in macbeth and othello:

The throne is the central theme in both plays-

Magic/Supernatural-Witches in Macbeth and in Othello love is made to be evil, spawned from magic

In both, women play a major role in the turn of the story-Desdemona and Lady Macbeth

Sexual symbolism and Darkness-Lady Macbeth plays the dominant, male role, forcing her husband to take the submissive, female role.Most of the action in Macbeth takes place in the darkness that comes just before dawn like the murder, the nightmares.

In Othello,Othello captures horrifying and explicit images of his wife Desdemona having an affair with Cassio.These disturbing emotions he encounters influence the darkness of his character.

The Theme of Ambition-Revenge is portrayed through the

character Lago who is determined to destroy Othello and his loved ones since Othello promoted Cassio to the position of lieutenant which Lago was after.

Macbeth is an ambitious man. The King represents the highest position of power that Macbeth hopes to achieve.

Mental distress.

Catalysts- Lago in Othello and Lady Macbeth and the witches in Macbeth encourage and urge action

These are just some…….


5 years ago
Well in the beginning of the play you see that Lady Macbeth is convincing Macbeth to murder King Duncan, because she wants to become Queen. And you see that she invites evil spirits into her and she wants to feel no remorse for murders. But towards the end of the play, Macbeth is overcome with a compulsion to kill, and all of the other murders he does on his own, without the help of lady macbeth, because he didn’t want to tell her that he was going to murder Banquo, but she was going to wait for her to applaud the deed. Lady Macbeth tries to tell mabeth that he doesn’t need to keep murdering people. So pretty much from the beginning to the end of the play their positions are flip flopped. Macbeth= good Lady Macbeth= evil to Lady macbeth=good and macbeth=evil.


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