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community college?

what school can i go to in order to transfer later into community colleges that have previously denied entrance? what schools?

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Almost all community colleges have an open admissions policy. This policy basically lets anyone in. Also, even if you do not have a GED or HSD you can still gain tentative admission and just take the GED exam. Check your state’s public and private college and university system. Then, look into the community colleges that are close to your home.

4 years ago
Why no longer take a look at enrolling at Islamic School? So you are going to understand why group university is tolerant of all religions. Though the phrase Catholic way Universal as taken from the Greek phrase Katolos, it does no longer fairly train what the identify stands for. They are obviously a unmarried dogmatic devout group shaped to discredit even different religions that feel of their ordinary Christ. Like Hamburger Chains, Mcdonald will on no account promote King Burgers product nor Carl’s Junior even though they’re the equal pork or turkey. You are in university now so that you ought to believe like a university scholar.

from my understanding anyone should be able to get into a community college unless they havent got their diploma


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