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Colligiate Check List for the Dorm???

I need a good check list of things to take to your college dorm… and please don’t say condoms because that’s something I won’t be needing…and that’s not in a nauty way. lol.

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do you mean apartment bc the college your going to doesn’t have an official campus or dorms…

Poor College Kid
Microwave & Refrigerator (check to see if your dorm comes with one first, some dorms come with a microfridge)

Ethernet cord(sometimes your dorm will give these out if you don’t have one.)


VCR or DVD playerStereo

Computer and printer

Power strip/surge protector·

Desk lamp

Alarm clock (i recommend getting 2)

Laundry bag/basket and laundry soap

Basic sewing kit (needles, thread, and safety pins)

Eating utensils

Plastic Bowls Plates and Cups

Bedding and pillows (make sure you get ones that will fit your bed)

Mattress pad

Room decorations (photos/posters)

Iron and small ironing board

Organizer or planner (calendar)

Backpack/Messenger bag

Bike and bike lock

Fan for room

Bath towels, soaps, robe, etc.

Can opener

First aid kit and band aids

Personal hygiene items

Sandal’s (especially if your using a public shower)

Shower bucket/basket/caddy to carry items


Sticky wall mounts and removable adhesive hooks. (Most schools do not allow you to put nails in the walls, so you will need other ways to hang your décor)

Dry-erase board and marker. (You’ll want this so people can leave you messages.)


Plastic shelves/containers to store your stuff

Pictures of family and friends

Your insurance card/health insurance information


Food and Drinks

A small and inexpensive tool kit.


Here’s the list I send to my students:

What to Bring to College

· Television

· VCR or DVD

· Microwave (750 WATT or smaller)

· Refrigerator (4.0 or less cubic feet)

· Stereo

· Computer and printer (if available) ALSO an Ethernet cord

· Power strip/surge protector

· Sega/Nintendo/Playstation

· Sports equipment (football, volleyball, basketball, and any other type of ball)

· Desk lamp

· Alarm clock

· Laundry bag (or basket) and laundry soap

· Laundry money

· Basic sewing kit (needles and thread or safety pins)

· Eating utensils

· Cups and plates

· Bedding and pillows

· Sheets (twin sized bed-75×38)

· Mattress pad

· Room decorations (photos/posters)

· Iron and small ironing board

· Organizer or planner (calendar)

· Backpack/ bag

· Bike and bike lock

· Box fan or desk top fan

· Bath towels, soaps, robe, etc.

· Can opener

· First aid kit and band aids

· OTC medications (ex. Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, Alergy Sinus, Gold Bond)

· Personal hygiene items (toothpaste, deodorant, etc…)

· Shower shoes

· Umbrella

· Pictures of family and friends

· Your insurance card/health insurance information

· Phone cards (you can get your parents to buy these for you if you promise to call home)

· Lock box (for cash, medications, etc)

· Batteries

· Flashlight


mini fridge, comforter and sheets, clothes, bulletin board, photos, tv, dvd player, movies, carpet or rugs-you can usually buy this through the school, picture frames and things to make it cute, microwave, flip flops for the shower, toiletries, maybe some shelves, (I had them) Have fun and good luck!!!!

I thought there weren’t any dorms on the campus.

Here’s the official bb&b college checklist… it really has everything covered (other than personal effects)


I thought you were going to community college? wait douse this have to do with your face book update about going to california?

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