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College with these things…?

I’m trying to find a college that… 1) I can take classes strictly online 2) it is a regionally accredited school 3) Not too expensive (like the same or less than the average 4-year state school) 4) I can get the rest of my 4-year Bach. Degree and 5) my credits from my previous college (a state school) will transfer….. any help?

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Private accredidted colleges with on-line programs cost a lot more than a public institution. You pay for the convenience of not having to schlep to class 3x a week, and the instructor’s expertise.

Public colleges offer distance degree programs such as Penn State, U of Iowa, Cal State U, U of Alabama and Ohio U.

Look on-line for directories of distance programs. The tuition will be higher than for regular classes at the university, because the operating costs are higher, but they are less than at a private college.


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