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Brittany M

College trancsript questions?

Ok, back in my college days I attended 2 different colleges and failed both of them. I am now wanting to to take a foriegn language night class, and I’m wanting to know if its required for me to state that I have attended other colleges. Because if I show them my transcripts more then likely I will not be accepted. Do i have to state that I have gone to college before?

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You do not have to state that you went to college before unless you are entering a degree program. One night class is not going to bring the dean of students into a panic over your records. Good for you for trying college again! If you take several classes at this one, and do well, then perhaps you may apply for their degree program on the basis of your good record with that institution, and your former transcripts will not be necessary.

Yes, they need all transcripts from any school. Just because you failed doesn’t mean that they won’t accept you.

I am logged in, therfore I am.
I dont think that the place would care if you failed out twice. I know that community colleges generally do not care, they just want your money. My friends who have failed out all got accepted into community college classes.

you can always say no then if they come back to you saying you did just say you forgot lol!

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