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COLLEGE,I need help with something?

I’m only 13, but I have my future planned. I want to be a photographer with a degree in cosmetology too. I also want to own my own business. (So, I would also have to take classes in business)

-This is what I want to know, How much would all of the classes cost?

-Also I want to know, How much would I make with having a degree in cosmetology, business, and photograghy. (Cause I would have half of the store be, uhm a hairstyling and makeup type thing and the other half of the store to be photography. I was thinking that it would come in handy around prom time.)

Although I don’t know if I would be able to do that. .. So how much would I make and how much time would it take to finish all of these classes. – oh and how much would the classes cost?\

I have talked with my parents about this but they didnt go to college so they wouldnt know. (no one in my family is done with college, the only people that i know that is in college are my cousins) I dont really want to ask a teacher ….

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THis is sort of a complicated question because the answers depend on a lot of factors, but I will try and help a little.

First a college degree usually takes about 4-5 years. If you want to duel major say in business and photography you can still do it in about 5 years if you take a lot of credits and plan it well so that your classes count for as many things as possible. I have not seen any four universities that offer cosmotology but there may be some out there. I suspect though, that you will have to go to a seperate trade school or community college for cosmetology. I don’t think there is a 4 year bachelors degree in this, but again, I could be wrong.

Cost for classes depends entirely on the school. Private schools are usually quite a bit more expensive that public schools and generally better schools are more expensive with a few exceptions. Tuition can vary hugely from a 1-2 thousand a year to 30-60 thousand and even more or less than that.

You do not need a business degree if you want to open your own business. It would help you to have some business/accounting in your background, but business degrees are mostly for corperate businessmen and not for small business owners.

How much you will make depends entirely on how successful your business is. Most likely at first your business will not make any money for the first few years and you will be living on credit. There is a good chance that your business will fail (about 9/10 fail), but the best thing about business is that the sky is the limit for how much money you could make. If the business really takes off you could make millions, or you could end up on the street.


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