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College Algebra Help?

Square Root of(3x-2) = 3x-2

3x^2 – 5x = -4

Solve the inequalities. Write the solution in interval notation.

3(2x+1) – 2 ( 2x + 5) > 0

Absolute value of ( x + 2) < 1 2 times the absolute value of (x + 1) > 10.

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Lemme show you how to do #1 and #4

1) SQRT(3x-2) = 3x-2

or, SQRT(3x-2) = 1 (Removing common factors)

squaring, 3x-2 =1

or x = 1 ….answer

4) Abs(x+2) < 1 squaring, (x+2)^2 < 1 ( Because Abs(x^2) = x^2) x^2+4x+4 <1 or x^2+4x+3 <0 or (x+3)(x+1) <0 implies either x< -3 and x>-1… (no solution)

OR x>-3 and x<-1, or -3


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