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Collage: Should I even try?

Ok, I live with my parents, I hate it, I feel inadequate and like a looser, I do have a child who is a year old. My parents are insistant that I stay here and live with them and only work a weekend job and go to collage full time, in fact they have even told me not to have a job at all, I know that alot of people would say to be thankfull for this and really I do appreciate it and It is very sweet of them, But I feel like I am 16 when I do this, I am 21 and who out there wants to be 21 with a child making only 70$ a week at the most and living with their parents? any raised hands out there? It makes me feel like a looser. i want to go to collage at Akron U and i am constently pressured to settle for Stark State. It angers me, I want to go for communications and be a News Anchor or work in public relations and i wouldnt even be doing what i have a true passion for at this collage. Every time i talk to my parents about going for a Management position with Bruegers Bagles ……..

Top 7 Answers

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I am not saying that you shouldn’t live your own life, but consider yourself VERY lucky that your parents want to help you out. You have a kid and you are being offered a free ride from your parents. You should take it.

I believe in independence, and I know that you feel trapped, but your parents are trying to gain independence for you. Go to the school they are proposing, take the help that they are offering. Your child is taken care of and your rent and expenses are paid. Put your head down, and really kickass in school and you will have your freedom and independence, but you’ll have it with much better options and opportunities.

Having a child was probably not well timed, and I am sure you love your child, but now you have to take care of it. Sure, you wanted to go to Akron U, but you blew that when you got pregnant. Take the very generous offer. Most single moms are working in dead end jobs dreaming of an opportunity to go to college. ANY COLLEGE. Count your blessings and get down to work.


Fly On The Wall
Here’s what you do. Do the Stark State thing for two years, live at home, and don’t work outside the home. Chip in with cooking and chores instead. Study your tail off instead, and make all A’s. Then, transfer to Akron for the last two years of your degree. See if your folks will go for that.

And it’s not just a typo if you make the same mistake several times, and furthermore it doesn’t support your “typo” argument if there are numerous other spelling mistakes such as “looser” instead of “loser” and “Bagles” instead of “Bagels” and “thankfull” instead of “thankful.” Jasper might be an a** but he also might have a point.

Yeah check out Eddy B’s answer too. That guy has no clue about day care. He doesn’t know that you pay by the month, that they generally don’t have it on weekends, etc.


Go for it. What do you have to lose? Your parents have been supportive of you so far, it doesn’t sound like they will disown you for trying something on your own. If you don’t make it, you might have to listen to “I told you so”, but you can deal with that if you have to. If there is one thing that I have learned in my life, it’s to not let someone else determine the course of my life. It’s my life, they can go get their own. Same thing with you–if you want to do it, then do it. I realize that your parents are trying to help you and your child, but there are other ways that they can help. First, where is the child’s father? Why isn’t he paying child support? That income could make or break your chances of making it on your own. Second, you can start your new job now, while still living at home, and then move out when you’ve got a little money saved, or as the person above me suggested, start taking classes where you are and transfer for your last two years. The first two years don’t matter much anyway because all you’re taking are general education requirements. You don’t really get into your major courses until the your junior year. Stop letting your parents run your life, stop feeling like a loser, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and start taking positive steps to reach your goal. And get the state on your child’s father for support!

Keep on Truckin’
You are 21, so you are not doomed by anything your parents say or do. I agree that you should try Stark for a while, and get some basics like math and English out of the way then go to Akron for your core classes in Journalism.

On another note, the way your personally attacked your mother was uncalled for. Perhaps she is not supportive as you’d like but surely she has a reason that we are unaware of and you have chosen to leave out. It was uncalled for and you should be more appreciative instead of attacking her for being “fat”. What the heck does that have to do with anything.


If it’s the money you care about then there’s something you can do. I don’t know how you can only make $70/week. You must be really getting ripped off. I made $240 this past week and I’m only 15. And I make under minimum wage (only $7.50/hour when minimum wage is $8.00/hour). When you work, put your kid in daycare. And since you don’t make very much it’s free (at least it is here, but I’m not sure about America). But if it does cost money, maybe get your parents to look after him/her or find an employer that offers free daycare.

And with that extra money, you can save for college so you can do something you want to do.

Good luck!


okay i think you should be glad of this oppurtunity and for you to go to college full time. it would be much easier if you just lived with your parents and go to Stark state. Also why don’t you apply to both and see which one you get into.Also if you only make $70 a week you can’t afford college or a loan-maybe a very high in interest loan. I think you should take the manamagment positon if your so opposed to going to Stark. the reason their probably opposed to it is because they don’t want you to be stuck at that job for the rest of your life. but take the managment position and pay your own way.

Wouldn’t you fell more like a looser if you were 40 and doing the same thing. Go to college now so you can have a better future.

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