can you please help me in my english essay?
also should i make one one of those things that are 2 circles and the left is mets and right is yankees and in the middle is both?
thank you
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One thing to caution you on, I’m not a big baseball fan and your teacher may not be either — so try and make your essay something that is interesting to a broad range of readers. Look for some great trivia about each team, etc.
Also, the two circle thing is useful if you need it, but unless your teacher specifically tells you to do it and assigns it as part of the essay, if you can write it without, that’s a good thing.
Your thesis could be that managerial and players’ experience will make the difference in winning a championship. The Yankees have far more playoff and World Series experience, and that will be the deciding factor in the playoffs and Series.
Make a Venn diagram with coomon points in the middle being that they are both in New York, a great baseball city, and both have historic, outdoor stadiums.
Then list your differences on each side by team.
You can use that as a sort of outline for your essay – remember… opening paragraph that states and summarizes what you will say – at least 3 body paragraphs of your research, information and persuasion of thesis, and concluding paragraph which summarizes what you have written.
Go get ’em.