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Can you help me with these sentences? Part 3?

If the Parenthesis word is used correctly can you put c and if it isnt can you rewrite it? Thanks ^^

After wandering through the desert for a day without food or water, Dominic was (parched).

The meeting (proceeded) after the president left because the members of the committee had many other items to cover.

Debbie ate her food (ravenously); she picked at her salad, eating a few carrots, and eventually pushed the plate away from her, stating she was finished.

The kitched (reeked) when mother was preparing for our Thanksgiving meal.

This bachelor’s degree is a (sham); you got it from a website on the internet that charges twenty dollars to issue a fake certificate.

Because Tom was confident that he knew the answer to his teacher’s questions, he blurted out the answer (sheepishly).

Yup thats all xD

Top 3 Answers

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“Parched” is okay for lack of water, but for lack of food perhaps ‘starving’ could work

“Proceeded” is fine, but I would use ‘continued’.

If Debbie picked at her salad and ate a few carrots, she did not eat “ravenously”. Debbie (‘scarcely or ‘barely’ or ‘hardly’) touched her food.

Yes, “reeked” is good.

Yes, “sham” in this case is good.

Since Tom was confident and since he blurted the answer, he did not answer “sheepishly”. This word suggests that he is shy. Maybe Tom blurted out the answer ‘forcefully’ or ‘loudly’ or ‘rudely’. Or, you could just drop the adverb.


penny c
you don’t start a sentence with after.

Dominic was parched after wandering through the desert for a day without food or water.

the meeting continued after the president left with the members of the committee addressing other items.

debbire ate her food sparingly.

the kitchen smelled

sham will work, but if this is homework i would use fake .

tom was so confident that he knew the answer to his teachers questions, that he blurted out the answers confidently.


they all sound fine

(and if ur ever not sure of wat a word means just look it up on or something)

-Da Bear


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