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can you help me to write a writing about TV, how it change during the time, is bad or good?

can you help me to write a writing about TV, how it change during the time, is bad or good?

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Lina, this is a very good question. There are so many different ways to answer this. In short, TV reflects the morals and thoughts of society, and also influences it as well.

There are hundreds of examples of how things on TV have changed. Initially, married couples were not even depicted as sleeping in the same bed (they would show two single-size beds for the husband and wife). I think the Flintstones was the first instance of showing a married couple (Fred and Wilma) in bed together.

I am over thirty years old, and I can remember how each time a moral taboo was broken on television, and who did it. Cuss words become prominent on TV sitcoms, and usually went unnoticed. Nudity and violence, such as depicted on NYPD Blue, initially met much opposition, but later became common.

The basic question is, who governs what’s good for the society? Since TV seems to only apply to what people do for amusement, there is very little regulation. In fact, it is mostly self-regulated by the producers of TV shows. Since they make their money from advertisers, the only way to govern them is with the money that customers spend on those advertisers.

Since that is the case, often it takes a lot of time and effort to make someone understand that what they are doing on television may be offensive, and the attitude is, that it is not offensive to everyone, and anyone who doesn’t like it should just change the channel.

Unfortunately, businesses will always cater to the lowest common moral element. Additionally, since we value our individualism over the community in America, and the supposed right to “free expression,” it may be very difficult to stop or turn the moral tide in our media today.

I hope this has been helpful. Feel free to contact me if you have additional questions.


Unfortunately it somehow deteriorated, TV today has shown more violence and sexual overtones than previous generations. Previous generations of TV showed more of positive values than what we see today, with the coming of reality TV, we have lost control of censorship and good morals.

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