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Can we have some fun with these phrases?

How about a story with these (this ought to be fun)

1. You should have kept your mouth shut

2. Oh no…where did she go

3. That woman needs help. You know that, right

4. What’s with the three bells

5. Rings on her fingers and bells…where

6. This is just too much

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A conversation between 2 giants:

“Oh no…where did she go?”

“Dude, I think you ate her.”


“Ya dude…I can hear her bling jingling in your belly!”

“Hm…the rings on her fingers and bells…where?”

“Three bells, on her…*ahem*.”

“What’s with the three bells?”

“She makes her own theme songs. That woman needs help. You know that, right?”

“Yes, I know that. You should have kept your mouth shut. Then we wouldn’t even be aware of this problem. Bliss in ignorance.”

“This is just too much. I’m going to Starbucks. See ya.”


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