Can someone tell me what this word means?
“and the lyrics dont coincide with the vid.”
key word=coincide
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That sentence means that the video for the song didn’t suit the lyrics. It could also mean that the lyrics were not in cadence (the lyrics didn’t match the beat of the video’s music) with the song.
Medieval Latin coincidere : Latin co-, co- + Latin incidere, to occur ; see incident.
2. to correspond exactly, as in nature, character, etc.: His vocation coincides with his avocation.
3. to agree or concur, as in thought or opinion: Their opinions always coincide.
[Origin: 1635–45; < ML coincidere, equiv. to L co- co- + incidere to befall; see incident] —Synonyms 3. accord, correspond, match, tally, jibe, square. —Antonyms 3. differ, contradict.