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Can someone help me get some back 2 skool clothes?

im a poor teen girl struggling…..brothers in college but have no ways to pay off loans

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it depends wat grade are you in i’d be happy 2 help

Your situation is not unique, but that does not mean that you don’t have a need. The biggest problem I see in schools nowdays is the need to have Expensive clothes that look like you ripped them up, wore them for a week and then threw them under the bed wadded up for a year or so. Abercrombe Style! And it cost you $100 bucks for a wrinckled ripped T-shirt or pair of shorts! Whats wrong with this picture people!!?? Ya know. Tie-dye and Sequins were in when I was a teen.. we did it ourselves!! We bought a pair of Jeans, Shorts, T-Shirts.. etc..from Sears.. K-mart..Etc.. Then we went to the nearest sewing store( or what ever even crafts) and bought a packet of dye, and some sequins! SHAZAAAMM! I would twist and wad up the clothes, tie rubber bands around them, drop them in a sink full of dye, wring them out, dry them outside over the fence, add a couple of well placed rips in them, maybe add a few sequins if I wanted(evening wear) and all together it cost me about $ 50 for an entire season’s attire!! The prob today is nobody is taught how to do it and even if they are they want to have somebody else do it for them with a LABEL and a 70% mark-up! It’s not that HARD people!!!!

In my town, the Catholic church has an outreach program where they will give anyone stuff that has been donated, no questions asked. You should check into that in your area.

get a summer or part time job

tech D
get a job even if it is part time.

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