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Can someone come up with 5 discussion questions for the book Catcher in the Rye?

Can someone come up with 5 discussion questions for the book Catcher in the Rye?

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Here’s two. Now do your own homework, kid!

1. Holden constantly uses the word “phony” to describe people, events, and popular culture such as movies. What does he mean by this word and what does it indicate about his values?

2. Although he discusses the subject with ironic humor, the idea of war clearly disturbs Holden. He states that his older brother “hated” the army and World War II. Holden dreads military experience because he will not be able to choose the people with whom he associates. What does this tell us about Holden’s social ideal?


anna l
These are not exactly the questions,but they may stil help:)

1.Holden’s lonileness

2.Holden’s attitude towards children

3.Holden’s attitude towards adults(he considers the adult world totally “phony”)

4.Holden’s attitude towards his dead brother

5.Holden’s character(there are some passages which are very significant and they show that he has a gentle soul)

6″Catcher in the rye”,”the cliff” it has a metaphorical meaning.


Theses are questions i had to do im not sure if they are what your looking for but here you go:

-What is Holdens attitude tward sex?

-What is signified by the duckls in the lagoon?

-What is the significance of Mr. Antonelli’s caress and Holden’s reaction to it?

-What is significant in Holden’s appraisal of the girls from Seatle?

-What is the significance of Holden breaking his hand?


I know that i won’t help but i just tell you this;

don’t use spark notes and call a friend who has the same hw as you.

is that you summer reading book? let me answer that myself, um yes!

i have summer reading too but not that book.

well i think you should think about your own question and i’m sure you will find your answer before you know it!


This site looks good (remove all spaces from this link):

http://www. catcher/study.html

Good luck to you!!


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