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Can moral education be forced on students?

Can moral education be forced on students?

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Like are they allowed to teach it? Yes, of course. They can teach, and force upon kids pretty much anything that the community allows. Yes, morals are subjective, not everybody believes the same thing, blah blah blah… but a lot of schools, especially in elementary schools even grade on morals and citizenship. (citizenship is often the official word for moral grading.)

I don’t like to force anything on anyone. That doesn’t mean I am a crazy liberal but I feel that people should make their own decisions. Religion, environmentalism, politics, morals.

That is what education is about. You teach them what you want them to learn; they have to decide if they want to take it. We try to incorporate what we know into what they know.

On another note: As a teacher, I become very disgusted what we are expected to teach in school. Morals should come from the parents, not the school. So should sex education, learning how to speak, social norms and respect. When schools are forced to teach what a parent does not, we are all in trouble.


No, you can not force someone to be moral. You can teach them the mores of society, but in order to get them to behave in a moral fashion that must be reinforced at home and with society. Developing a sense of moral conscience begins in the nursery and never ends. If you are asking can a school teach morals, the answer is yes, they can encourage it. Morality is part of good citizenship.

Just like any other school course moral education can be taught but it’s really up to the students to grab hold of it and do something with it.

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