Can I switch careers into business if I major in criminal justice at college?
If I attend UCI for a criminal justice major (white collar crime/ law focus) AND minor in their business management program (with 7 classes of intro marketing, accounting,and management) would I have a good chance of getting a business job? I have already taken intro to business, 3 econ classes, 1 statistics class (they are all lower division classes) at community college
Attend UC Riverside (ranked 88th nationwide) and go into their business administration program?
Is it be better to go with a better school but an easier major or attend a lower ranked school with a major for my intended career? How much are CJ bachelor degrees worth?
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My uncle wasn’t good in college, but he became a bank lawyer and now homeboy doesn’t need to work at ALL. He’s 48.
Businesses are what to focus on nowadays, there are SO many new businesses and EVERYONE NEEDS to cover their tracks.