Can I Still Graduate High School?
I REALLY slacked off my freshman year and failed miserably, but made a complete turnaround my sophemore year and passed with “flying colors.”
My school opens in two weeks and I’ll be a junior….and i was thinking…..can i still graduate with my class of 2009?
Top 9 Answers
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I did the SAME thing too…except for 2 years. Just make sure you don’t have to re-take any major classes (enlgish, math, science…etc) Get GOOD grades for the rest of your high school life. Trust me. I’m a senior now, and I’m trying to pull everything together. You will do fine, just try hard.
yeah. I failed 4 classes in high school (2 english, 2 science) and I never went to summer school. I just didn’t take all of the extra electives because you don’t need that many to graduate. So I retook the classes I failed and even doubled up with the principle’s permission. I was still able to graduate in 2004 with my senior class.
If you work hard and take school more seriously than you have in the past, of course you can do it and do it in 2009 (2010 or later isn’t too late, either).
Listen, this is one of the most important things you will do in life. Whether you continue to college or not, at least get your high school diploma.
you should be able too, you’ll just have to take a full class load for your jr and sr year, or maybe a couple summer school classes. When school starts go see your guidance counselor! That’s what they get paid for!
If you failed certain required classes, such as English or math, you will likely have to take those over. You may have to attend summer school as well. I would talk to the student advisor ASAP.
see your guidance counselor. if you double-up on some classes, you might be able to. a friend of mine dropped out for yr & 1/2, but stayed at an after-school program and skipped her lunch period 2 semesters and made it.
I believe you still can. But make sure you pass your Junior year and REALLY study in your senior year or you won’t be there in ’09.
try going to summer school. getting extra classes. i know it can be done cause my friends have but i think its really difficult. just target the requierments for graduating. 😀
yes if u work hard at repeat the classes you failed. good luck!