Can I get into Suny?
Favorite Answer
It is a good school in a great city! GOOD LUCK!!
Get’ur up Jessy Q, Get’ur up
Admission to the school is just as competitive as other comparable state schools; last year, over 17,448 students applied and 10,890 were admitted. Out of those admitted only 3,593 actually matriculated. The admitted students had an average combined SAT score ranging from 1030 to 1230, an average comprehensive ACT score ranging from 24 to 28.
Over 56% of those admitted were ranked in the top 25% of their high school graduating class with an average high school GPA of about 3.1. The student to teacher ratio is a manageable 16:1, but students often complain that they have to seek their professors out in order to receive any attention, and even then, it can be quite difficult. Many of the introductory classes are taught by T.A.’s, and while some are quite knowledgeable, there are just as many who are frustratingly ill- informed.