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gean carlo b

Can I attend college all over again?

I mean, I am currently enrolled, now in my 3rd year. But I stop from time to time. I have lots of deficiencies in my transcript of records. I should have graduated last summer, if only I had given much attention to my education. I wish to complete my undergraduate studies again, in a different school, program, etc. But what about my previous school work? I want to bury it under the ground. Will Commission on Higher Education have something against me, if I deny that I had these previous school work? I don’t know the education system here in the Philippines. PLEASE help!

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Even if your current record is not a great one, surely there are some general courses which could be transferred to another institution so that you do not have to take basic electives again?

Or are you worried that your record is so poor that any school seeing it would refuse to accept you? If that is the case, then how will you explain what you have been doing for the past several years?

Don’t lie if that is the situation. If you are SURE that you are now more mature, more motivated, more focused, and that you are going to be able to succeed at a different school, then you need to find a way to explain and show that. This is not the best situation, but if you are determined to pretend the previous school experience didn’t exist, you will have to figure out a way to address that time period.

How are you sure that you will succeed this time? What is different? Unfortunately some students do poorly and then transfer because they think their problems will magically disappear and not follow them to the new school. They are usually wrong about that.

If you do get accepted to another school, and then you want to see if any of the previous work might be accepted as transfer, I suppose you could get started at the new school and then talk with an advisor about the previous one and what to do.

Don’t lie though. It always catches up with you.


No! You can still go to a different college, regardless of your previous record. You’re paying for your education. As long as you reach the acceptance requirements.

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