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can anyone tell me what antidistablishmenterlism really means??

can anyone tell me what antidistablishmenterlism really means??

Top 3 Answers
Elaine P…is for Poetry

Favorite Answer

This is a real word. It means “against the people who are against the establishment.” Kind of like Bush Conservatives who are against the Liberal Establishment. It’s spelled: “antidisestablishmenterianism.”

Antidisestablishmentarianism perhaps? Well, as far as I know, it used to mean “an opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England” but now it’s more of opposition to the thinking that there should be no official church in a country. It’s also the longest word I know.

Hope this helps.


Indiana Frenchman
you spelled it wrong but …

antidistablishmentarianism 33 up, 27 down

1. Not the longest word in the english language you idiot.

2. Basically means “being against an establishment”, such as the government.


Look it up in the dictionary or on the Webster web site

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