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Can anyone help me with an anatomy question?

I am taking an anatomy class this fall and I have been told that, in anatomy, there is sooo much to memorize. So, I was wondering if anyone could suggest a really good anatomy book for beginners or something along those lines (a book anyone can follow & understand) that would give me a good head start before I take the class. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

Thank You So Much,


Top 2 Answers

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Good anatomy books tend to be expensive. You might start with the on-line materials listed below.

Gray’s Anatomy has been a classic since 1918, and is widely available (including at a site below).


5 years ago
I have Love now, wish Always..? And betrayal? In the worst of methods….. It is humorous how we make it via c*** that occurs to us, while within the second looks like we have now misplaced all oxygen or even our middle feels ripped out of your chest! Today, I appear again on that betrayal and ask myself “What used to be I considering to enable it to devour me for just about 2 years…” Who cares relatively while I can say it hurts not more!

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