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Cool Wizzy

Can anyone answer these questions listed below because its for my english class?

1. What do u think about smoking at a college campus?

2. Does smoking affect other people? Why?

3. Do u think there is a solution to not allow smoking at a college campus? What is it?

4. Why do people smoke?

5. If you would to tell them to quit smoking, what would you say?

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Shouldn’t you do your own homework ? Just write a few sentences for each question. If you use longer words it takes up space.

1.) If your 18 and older it’s your decision

2.) Yes. Because it stinks and not everyone smokes.

3.) Yes. Ban smoking on property

4.) Different reasons for different people.

5.) Could you please put out that cigarette or relocate yourself? I would only ask them to relocate if I was present first.


These are opinion questions, they can’t be answered incorrectly. Your English teacher is obviously looking for your opinion, not that of some random person on the net. Answer them yourself.

You need to answer these questions yourself indicating your honest personal opinion.

…… It doesn’t matter what we think…….


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