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Best bachelor to study before medicine?

I am a High School student and I am confused on what to study. I want to study medicine but first I need a bachelor. Which do you think is the best: biology, chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology or molecular biology?

I have seen some biology courses but they focus more on animal, botany and other stuff that I don’t like? Please help

Top 7 Answers

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Why not just go for the generic pre med major. Most universities offer that as a BS major as well.

You will have to start out with general science courses anyway (at least in Canada). This means Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. I think Biochemistry would be an excellent major. Tough but worthwhile.

4 years ago
i think of a bachelors degree in chemistry with as many electives as you are able to take up biochemistry could be a solid decision. you may desire to evaluate the possibility which you will no longer get into medical college. A bachelors degree in biology has constrained job possibilities.

I was a biology chemistry major in college and I can honestly tell you that I enjoyed chemistry alot better because I like making chemicals and dont mind math. Chemistry is more hands on in my opinion, biology is pretty much read it remember it and spit it back out…which Im still trying to master 🙂 hehe goodluck kiddo.

The Apostle
I think that biology is the most complete bachelor before medical school.

Mr. Main Event
Go for biochemistry. I have a few friends who went on to their graduate studies in medicine, and they all majored in biochemistry. It’s challenging, but it’ll best prepare you for your graduate level studies. Good luck!

biology, anat. & physiol. etc.

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