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Being an individual well educated person.Where should I even begin!?

Yes, I grew up in a school that never taught!Now I go to a school that actually does yet I am going to “hopefully” graduate soon.I want to learn so much but so so much! I wrote a whole page with different sections,I labeled it Knowledge.I want to gain knowledge on things i should know to prepare myself in life.Such as Business,how to buy a house dealing with money.Health different types of disorders,diseases.History.Science,psychology.United states laws,geography,capitals/states.There’s just so much and school begins August.Let me clarify that I am aware that I go to school and that’s the place to learn.But I am in a situation where I want to learn on my own,I spend all my time in a room due to overprotective parents.So why not enjoy this time learning things? While every other teenager is enjoying their childhood beaches,parties etc.I want to learn to be prepared I know once I am prepare I will have time to party and what not.I just don’t know where to begin there’s so much..


Top 2 Answers

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First, i’d say with your desire to do and be better … YOU WILL BE ! So don’t worry about that. Just living life will be an education for as long as you live.

To answer your question, however, I would suggest you break it down into small, manageable pieces. When you look at the whole big picture, it seems pretty overwhelming. Pick a subject. Say real estate. research it on the internet. make some notes for reference. When you are satisfied you have learned what you think you need to, go to another subject.

Also, ask questions. write them down, then start looking for answers. Yahoo answers can be a great forum to do this as well, but use some common sense when you get answers. Not all answers are, shall we say, respectful.

Emailing a person in a particular field or profession is another way to gain knowledge. Shoot, if you ever want to learn something about printing or drawing, email me. I’d be happy to talk.

Good luck!


Relying on those sources you aren’t going to learn much. Wikipedia is not a credible source AT all.

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