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Based on the content and impact of the Alien Act, which of the following is an INCORRECT statement?

1. residency requirements were increased from 5 to 14 years for voting rights

2. Aliens could be expelled from the country during wartime

3. Enforcement would be based upon an individual’s nation of origin

4. Some immigrants feared the subjectivity of the law and fled the U.S.

5. Democratic-Republicans lost potential voters

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4 years ago
letter e.. there is not any incorrect answer right here.. it turn crimson litmus paper to blue coz its a base and an acid will turn a bue to crimson. acids has an H+all acids has H it flavor bitter and acid flavor bitter ( in basic terms like end result with diet C) Ascorbic Acid is an acid it feels slippery using saponification of the lipids in human pores and skin.

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