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Are there really homeschool parents that make their kids wear a uniform or tie?

Watch this video I found for ACE. It shows this children wearing a uniform, even a tie in the house. They are even working in a cubical.

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I don’t know if families actually have their kids put on a tie, but I think I’ve heard of homeschool uniforms before. I think it’s that “I’m ready for business” mentality that they’re trying to promote. I’m assuming that is very rare though. I think what you saw in the video was just staged. Maybe ACE is trying to give an impression of being extremely professional by having the kids (actors, I’m sure) dressed like that. It’s really just a long commercial, so I wouldn’t take it too seriously or make any assumptions about how homeschoolers dress based on what’s shown in the video.

Tad W
One of my mentors once quipped, “Casualness causes casualties!” How we see ourselves, and how we interact with others is directly affected by how we dress, and vice versa. In a bygone era it was traditional for the upper classes to “dress for dinner.” Learning to wear the clothing of success, when to wear them, and why should be a part of any curriculum that intends to produce adults fit for leadership roles.

We all wear uniforms, but we may not recognize them as such. A lawyer in a court room wearing Bermuda shorts would be as out of place as a sunbather in a three piece suit. We can tell the doctor by his or her white jacket and the mechanic by his blue shirt with his name above the pocket, and we can also tell the conservative businessman from the radical by the way they dress. So there are reasons for having a child wear a tie or a uniform under certain circumstances.

With that said, this is a marketing video. The actors in the video may not wear this garb on a daily basis, but the choice for the production imparts a particular look that will appeal to a certain target market.

That same mentor also taught me to look outside of my biases and preconceptions. If people who have successfully done what I want to do have some odd quirky behavior that seems to be meaningless to me, perhaps I’m missing some aspect of what makes them successful.


Ms. Phyllis
I’m sure there are homeschool parents who make their children wear uniforms/ties. Perhaps they are trying to replicate school at home. Also, for some children, the line of demarcation between “homeschool time” and other home activities must be clearly drawn–or they would never get anything done.

I don’t make my son wear a uniform, but I do make him get dressed–no doing school work in the pajamas. I know my child and working in his PJs would result in no work getting done.

Just my opinion.


That is pretty funny! I could only watch a bit over one minute, though. I have my own opinions on A.C.E. 😉

I don’t know, but I think they had this child dress up for the camera. It also looks like they were trying to “hide” the kitchen from the camera, too.

I don’t know any HS’er who works like that! HA! My son wears his boxer shorts (as shorts, not underwear) around the house all day – school work or not. I’m in old t-shirts, shorts, and slippers – teaching or not.

My son rarely sits at a desk to do work – only when he’s on the pc, and when he’s doing handwriting. Otherwise, on the floor, or hanging upside down off the couch reading, or reciting spelling words while bouncing on a large ball. It’s definitely *not* “school at home”.

I don’t think my son has ever even worn a tie!!! But then we are pretty relaxed in general.


This is a promo for goodness sakes and not real life. They are just making the kids look nice for the video and nothing more than that. I am sure there are not many if any parents that make their kids dress up for homeschooling.

We take the “home” in home school seriously.

My children will take their school work to their room, any room for that matter, the kitchen being their favorite; I wonder why??, the floor, or as they are doing right now, on a blanket on the grass in the back yard, accompanied by music, and ice tea.

I can honestly say, I have never met a family who has structured their home like that.


This is not necessary. Everyone should focus on why we chose to home school our kids. If the kids are going to go through the same painful process similar to public schools then its no point of homeschooling. Let the kids enjoy the freedom of learning at home.

ACE schools are a little different from regular homeschools. ACE schools are usually private schools.

My child is looking forward to doing school in her PJ’s


That is Bizzare but If they want to ! I mean working in a cubicle is not all that bad but uniforms at home! Oh well

Yuck. That is all far too restrictive for me. I allow my kids to escape institutionalized schooling, not duplicate it at home. We homeschool in pajamas at the kitchen table :p

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