are there any good/great, public/private schools in california??
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Since you require test scores and classroom size, it sounds like you want elementary or high schools, and this would depend entirely on where you live, since you probably wouldn’t be sending a minor away to school.
Although class size is helpful when evaluating a school, I wouldn’t get too caught up in test scores. I am a coordinator for state mandated testing in a California public school, and I can tell you that those scores are not always reflective of student proficiency. Kids know they do not affect their grades and so they may not even care about their scores. The state uses these scores in a way that distracts schools from the important goal of student learning, because schools have to be very concerned with how they measure up on test scores.
Other more important factors are the level of parent involvement in the school, the programs available both during and after classes, the experience and ongoing professional development of the teachers, the turnover rate of teachers as well as administrators, the quality of the facilities, etc.
Flintridge Sacred Heart in La Canda.