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Eboni L

Are Online School Worth Doing?

i live a busy life and i really want to go back to school, and physically being in class is not an opportunity right now, anyway..i was just wondering if the schools online are a scam, or can they too be looked at as real work????….

Top 3 Answers

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I have been enrolled in an online program for almost a year and half.

I like you, have a busy life, and don’t have the time to physically be in a class room 3 or more days a week.

Online has worked for me, and I have recommended it to several others.


Erica G
Yes, it is very worth it. I also do online college because I am currently living in an area where the nearest college is a long distance away (I am in the military).

You do have to be careful of “scam colleges”. Those that have internet ads saying “Get your BA in less than a year” are a scam. I mean, classes and stuff are real, but the degree they give you won’t be accredited by employers or other schools.


Penn State’s World Campus is the real deal! When you receive your degree it says, “The Pennsylvania State University” and doesn’t have an asterisk or something, it’s the real thing. If it takes you 3-4 years of 4-5 classes a semester to get a Bachelor degree then it’s the real thing. If it takes you 18 months to get the same degree, it’s not the same degree generally and employers know it.

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